a single man. kudos: cinematography, dialogue, casting
across the universe. kudos: originality, soundtrack, cinematography
amelie. kudos: plot, originality, casting
the boat that rocked. kudos: soundtrack, humour, casting, tom sturridge: in a category of his own
big fish. kudos: plot, originality, dialogue, themes
candy. kudos: characters, interesting, dialogue
cidade de deus. kudos: cultural, interesting, characters
the darjeeling limited. kudos: humour, characters, originality
donnie darko. kudos: cult film, humour, soundtrack, themes
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. kudos: originality, plot, characters, interesting
fight club. kudos: plot, themes, interesting, characters, dialogue, twist
factory girl. kudos: special interest, characters
girl, interrupted. kudos: plot, characters, special interest, casting, dialogue
garden state. kudos: characters, humour
hard candy. kudos: characters, interesting
into the wild. kudos: plot, interesting, themes, dialogue
king kong. kudos: cinematography, special interest
lolita. kudos: special interest, casting, characters, costuming
labyrinth. kudos: originality, interesting, soundtrack
let the right one in kudos: cinematography, cultural, interesting
moulin rouge. kudos: originality, characters, soundtrack
mr nobody. kudos: originality, themes, characters, interesting, cinematography
mulholland drive. kudos: plot, interesting, originality, twist
the orphanage. kudos: originality, twist, interesting
paris, je t'aime. kudos: plot, characters, interesting, cinematography
the prestige. kudos: originality, plot, interesting, twist
requiem for a dream. kudos: interesting, characters, cinematography
the royal tenenbaums. kudos: humour, plot, characters
sin city. kudos: originality, plot, characters, interesting, cinematography
somersault. kudos: cinematography, characters, cultural
trainspotting. kudos: characters, casting, interesting
v for vendetta. kudos: themes, plot, casting
walk the line. kudos: soundtrack, characters, special interest