Saturday, April 16, 2011

p h o t o g r a p h y

so we're doing photography at uni for a while now (not quite sure why, but i'm not going to question it) and being thrown back into that world it's reminded me of not only how much i love it, but also how much i hate non-conceptual photography. thus i am trying to use my flickr a little more effectively, as i've sort of being doing for a while i suppose but not this decidedly. since i've been at uni since february i haven't had much new stuff of late, but holidays are soon so i'm hoping to get a few more done then. it's just sort of hard with my kind of style and consistency in photos to create something new and exciting, but lately i've been complimented on it (by the photography directors, almost more than i have been on my viscomm work :|) so perhaps it is indeed best just to stick with this one kind.