Sunday, October 9, 2011

memory lane

i woke up this morning to the sound of cackles and cries and found my way into the living room where my family were sprawled in stitches on the floor, surrounded by mounds of photographs. upon seeing the offly-tinted pictures on the floor and images of environments that beared uncanny likenesses to ones i remember from my childhood it was then i realised, oh no, baby photos. it wasn't all bad though, amidst the giggles over my sister's bowl cut and my everpresent - or should i say ever-un-present - missing teeth, we actually managed to share a couple good stories over toast and tea, 'til i came to the inevitable epiphany that yeah, i miss the 90s. no life is more simple than one where bucket hats are acceptable fashion and family holidays are a choice rather than an obligation. as such, in my reminiscence, here's an ode to the simple life that is dearly missed (or the parts of it that i could be bothered to upload, anyway).