why is it all of a sudden fashionable to be shy? just recently i recall snooki - please forgive me for the reference - releasing a youtube vlog saying how she's actually this really "shy, quiet person" and just since then i've begun to notice how this quality seems to weaving its way into the world as some kind of trend. everywhere it seems people, even ridiculously loud people, are claiming shyness like it's some kind of desirable trait. yes, it sounds ridiculous, but that's because that's just what it is. if you had any idea about what feeling shy is actually like, you wouldn't want it at all. for most genuinely introverted people, being shy is crippling. it means you can't physically communicate with others. it means you have a constant apprehension before every word that comes out of your mouth - if any words come out at all. why you would want people to see you with this kind of incapacity i have no idea.
thankfully i don't see any of these witless sheep out on the streets. i've mostly just noticed it on tumblr blogs and things, and thank god, because i think if i met a coy person i'd punch them in the face.